Tuesday, December 7, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog: techno

im listening to techno music in class.
i love it because it makes school so much more fun.
i think we should remix everything apollo does but with super awesome techno music.
the announcements, the senior walk, phone calls, everything said over the intercom system, it should all be techno.
just saying.

the adventures of snazzy blog(some more christmas stuff.)

so my favorite part of christmas besides celebrating the birth of jesus is seeing the faces of friends of family when they open the present i search months to find. i like seeing the look of surprise and happiness on their faces. I also like getting present...im not going to lie.
Merrry Christ-Christmas-Christ
Trodgor Comes In The Night!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog: christmas decorations

so my favorite christmas decorations are lighted reigndeer. The only thing better than lightup reigndeer are giant blow up santas, and christmas trees. One of my favorite parts of the christmas season is carrying the tree box down from upstairs and putting it together with my family. i like hanging lights, ortiments, and putting the star on the top of the tree. After decorating the tree and the inside of the house we move on to covering the outside of our house with lights.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog: christmas time

so its almost christmas time again.
This is my favortie time of the year, christmas lights, candy canes, snow, christmas trees, and baby Jesus.
one problem, were so obsessed with presents, parties, decorations and all that crap that we forget about the real story of christmas.
christmas came from the birth of jesus christ, so christmas is more than celebrating special deals at stores and new toys. christmas is about family, friends and the most of all the birth of Jesus.
lets not forget that.
that is all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog november 18th

so its been a little to long since i have blogged and todays blog assignment was to write about thanksgiving so im going to write about the best food ever.
the ham my mom makes
my mother makes the best ham i have ever had. what does she cook it in?
she uses Pepsi and pineapple, i know it sounds strange but it makes the best flavor EVER!
just saying.

Monday, November 8, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog( i forgot what number we are on now but im just goin to roll with it)

So im trying to go to college at western kentucky university.
to get help with act registration figuring out my future i was told to talk to my guidence counciler at school.
turns out he might never be here.
the last 4-5 times i have gone to the guidence office he has either been busy or out of the office.
so i have decided that we need more guidence councilers.
that is all

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog (hospital)

so the other day my brother and his wife had a baby.
i went to the hospital to "support" and "be a good brother."
i got the hospital at 12:00 midnight on monday and did not leave until like 6:30pm on tuesday.
i think she may have been in labor for like 15 hours.
but the whole point of this blog is that im a uncle now.
the end.

the adventures of snazzy blog (i dont have a prank)

i dont have anymore great stories but.
one year my brother and his friend played a prank on me.
his friend chased me down the stairs as i ran through the house i had to jump over the couch.
when i landed on the couch my brother was lying there in a werewolf mask which scared me nearly to death and ruined my night.
there you go.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog (best halloween ever)

one halloween my friends and i decided to go cause trouble because we were way to cool to just trick or treat.
we decided to hang out at my house and eat out of the candy bowl until it got dark.
once it got really dark we dressed in all black, walked about a block from my house and laid spaced out in a old mans front yard. it was so dark outside that we couldnt be seen.
after about 10 minutes of waiting a group of kids (and one adult) started walking by, when they got close we jumped up screaming and chased them down the street.
the children let out a scream that was almost in-audible to the human ear and then ran away.
once we scared some more people, we decided to go back home and eat some more candy.
that was definatly the best halloween ever (except i made a baby cry)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog (ghost stories)

i do not believe in "GHOST"
i do believe in angels and demons.
i just dont buy into the spooky floating mass covered in a bed sheet that says "boo!"

thank you

Friday, October 22, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 13

when I was a kid I was afriad of the dark because i had a over active imagination.
my imagination made me parinoid. I also had a fear of wearwolves because my brother used to have a mask and he would always scare me with it.
so my biggest fear as a child was walking into my room and seeing a wearwolf in the dark.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 12 (the experiment)

im doing a experiment
im going to show you a variety of pictures and i want you to comment and tell me how they make you feel.

let me know how each one of these pictures makes you feel in a comment.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 11

so i got my tattoo,
when i talked to others about how a tattoo feel they all said things like this,
-"like a bad sun burn."
- "like bumping into a lit cigarette"

after i sit through my first 3.5 hours of being stabbed by an 18 point needle, i have my own opinion of how it feels.

it hurts
but its worth it
that is all.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog #10

so im getting a really big tattoo this saturday.
im getting a lion and a lamb on my entire calf muscle
im going to sit in a chair for 5-6 hours and let a guy repeatedly stab me with a needle.
im pretty excited.

Monday, September 20, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 8

in my last blog i failed to mention the name danniel
in case of a zombie attack danniel would also be on my team
as Doctor. Danniel
he will be in charge of doing the things a normal doctor would do and try to prevent the team from suffering from injuries that would put them in danger of being attacked by a zombie.
danniels knowladge of the medical field is incredible. the only thing he knows more about is zombie avoidiance. danniel would never worry about himself he would just focus on the rest of the team which would unfortanatly lead to him being the first person from the team to become a zombie.
its a shame, he would make a great doctor.

oh and sorry for forgetting to metion danniel last time.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 7

so im blogging agian....
this blog was originally created for my english class, and if you are reading this you probably aready know that and i dont really need to tell you.
so lately every blog has been about something random...guess what...SO IS THIS ONE.
so i was thinking
in case of a zombie apocolypse i am goin to begin to dig tunnels from place to place so that i can avoid the zombies. I think that if i am one of the few people left then im going to go to alaska sense there are less people there which means less zombies.
the people i would want on my zombie killing team would be,
charlie- find food and shelter
ethan- develop new weapons
brandon- destraction expert
and christian- cause hes crazy
i would also like my girlfriend there so i would not have to be constantly surrounded by dudes.
.....just saying

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 6

the other day i discovered something amazing, something that my ears had never heard before.
sounds so amazing that i could listen to the same song over and over and over and over and over again.
take techno and then slow it down, multlipy the bass about 47.5 times and add trippy lines from random movies and other songs.
what am i talking about?
im talking about.....

check it out
some of it is pretty cool.

Monday, August 30, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 5

Then i would not have to spend time making up random blogs during english class because i would be to busy trying not to be a pet human.
Once a convienant invetion to lessen the stress on human would turn into a vicious powerhungry hord of robots. These robots would have one common goal, COMPLETE DOMINATION.
right before all seemed lost will smith would destroy them all.
Then the next day i would blog about it.
think about that....
bye bye bye.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog

         Almost everytime i try to get on the internet with this crappy school issued computer, i see this same message.
Due to extremely strict blocks i cant even get on the internet at my home, it wont even let me click the connect button. To get on the internet i had to run a ethernet cable from my attic to my room all the way across my house to plug directly into my laptop. I DONT GET WHY THEY MAKE THE COMPUTER STUFF SO COMPLICATED!
-thank you
bye bye bye

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 3

so this is blog number three.
i noticed something today that makes me kindof unhappy,
the giant gauge and hardcore music thing is being taken over by people that are just doin it to be "cool".
recently, every hardcore/metal show i have been to has been filled with kids that dont even care about the music and they just hang out outside the music venue trying to look cool.
just a random thought i had.
so if there are still any kids out there who care about the music and not just the new hxc style...please keep supporting bands and going to shows.
bye bye bye

Thursday, August 19, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 2

so im back, with no purpose...
blogging about random crap agian.
.............i need a reason for this post...........
my top 9 bands as of RIGHT NOW...not in any order.
1. for today
2.mike maines and the branches
3.haste the day
4. the pomagranetes
5. inhale exhale
6. the devil wears prada
7. underoath
9.old attack!attack!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 1

i had to make this blog thing for school. 
not sure why.....yet
i guess i will find out soon.
sorry for making u waste ur time reading this
heres a cool alex pardee painting for u to look at.....
i hope it makes it better.