Thursday, October 28, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog (best halloween ever)

one halloween my friends and i decided to go cause trouble because we were way to cool to just trick or treat.
we decided to hang out at my house and eat out of the candy bowl until it got dark.
once it got really dark we dressed in all black, walked about a block from my house and laid spaced out in a old mans front yard. it was so dark outside that we couldnt be seen.
after about 10 minutes of waiting a group of kids (and one adult) started walking by, when they got close we jumped up screaming and chased them down the street.
the children let out a scream that was almost in-audible to the human ear and then ran away.
once we scared some more people, we decided to go back home and eat some more candy.
that was definatly the best halloween ever (except i made a baby cry)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog (ghost stories)

i do not believe in "GHOST"
i do believe in angels and demons.
i just dont buy into the spooky floating mass covered in a bed sheet that says "boo!"

thank you

Friday, October 22, 2010

the adventures of snazzy blog 13

when I was a kid I was afriad of the dark because i had a over active imagination.
my imagination made me parinoid. I also had a fear of wearwolves because my brother used to have a mask and he would always scare me with it.
so my biggest fear as a child was walking into my room and seeing a wearwolf in the dark.