Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: its too hot

I HATE HOT WEATHER. I cant stand it, its miserable. Nothing good comes from excessivly hot weather. I think that if i were born before the time of airconditioning i might have had to find other ways to cope with heat. i would swim in cold water as much as possible. I would also drink as much cold drinks as possible.

Monday, May 9, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: summer memory

my favortie summer memory took place last summer and it a series of multiple events. last summer i focused all of my free time on music. my band practiced multiple times a week and we played about 2-3 shows every week. it was the best summer i have had so far. we met multiple very cool and inspiring people while going from one venue to the next or just opening for bands at the local venue.
i miss those times but i do believe this summer will be like last summer but better because i will be doing these things with my new band.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: graduate then summer

i am very close to graduation. I am very stressed about grades, college money, leaving friends behind, and growing up.
this summer is my "free summer" i am going to have fun, go to music festivals, hang with friends, and prepare myself for college.
i am very excited about this summer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

snazzy blog made you lose.

so there is this thing going around, everyone knows about it. when you think about it you lose. when you ingore it YOU WIN.
can you guess what it is.
the game!

Monday, April 18, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: mullets

this is a tribute to american white trash.
i will definatly post more next time.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: childhod lesson

a childhood lesson that stuck with me was to look both ways before crossing the street. one day i was running after a ball and i didnt see that there was a car comming, i almost got hit by that car. luckly they stopped just in time and i was ok. my dad tought me to look both ways before crossing the street and now i use that lesson while driving.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog :tomorrow is saturday and sunday comes afterwards.

rebecca blacks music just made my ears vomit
i didnt know it was possible to make pop music any worse. well guess what
she just did.

Monday, March 21, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: daniel

Isnt it weird that when you re-watch tv shows and other movies that we all used to love as kids we find strange sexual jokes and hidden meanings.
thats just wrong.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: my fear of disease.

so charles gave me the rest of his monster today, im afraid to drink after him. i know it seems rude but it kinda freaks me out.
im trying to not get sick.
im afraid, very afriad.
also, one thing that is very relaxing is sleeping all day long with nobody to bother you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: Daniel Eckdahl

I am sitting in class next to Daniel and he is trying to get on his computer. Turns out his computer and it is missing a major component that aids in the start up process. but guess what it works anyway.
Windows = Confusion

Friday, March 11, 2011

the adventure of snazzyblog: 10 things i hate about me.

i hate that i have
a beautiful man face
a long lion like mane
the voice of an angel
perfect vision
my rock hard abs
my enormous strength
my warm heart
my soft hugs
my dog like hearing

sorry if i sound like a jerk but im just awesome
just kidding im not awesome at all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: if i were in trouble

if i were in trouble i would call iron man. if i called iron man to help me there is no way that i would not be able to fix my problem, he could defeat any problem i have as iron man also tony stark could just use his wealth to make my problems go away.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: ugly words

words i believe are ugly
-snot rocket
-ear wax
-pocket gum

Monday, February 28, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog

so, its almost the end of febuary and im graduating soon. All the rumors about senior year being the best year of highschool, they are lies. senior year is the most stressful year of highschool. You spend your entire year bending overbackwards to keep your grades up while at the same time trying to figure out college. Its insane how stressed i am right now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: we make the hipsters fall in love with our hot pants on....and up!

so i am sad to say that music is going down the drain, eventually music is not going to even have real instruments. its going to be all techno. i like some techno but not this junk....

Friday, February 11, 2011

the adventures of snazzy: BAD IDEAS

bungiee jumping with friends
lying to nick
doing drugs with hippies
doing drugs at all
ripping your shirt off at work
watching scary movies....alone
saying mean thigs to kaylee
doing the robot in water
drinking after somebody with a illness
saying innappropriate things in a full and quite class room
jumping from the room of a 7 story building and aiming for the bushes accross the street
burning yourself with ciggarettes

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: my car

today i was almost considered late to school because my car locks froze. i used deicer to try to get into my car but i could not get in. the same thing happened to me last night but i was able to fix it with very hot water.
today was even worse and i could not get it fixed, i hope it is warm enough to fix it when i get home.
My car is a peice of trash.

Monday, February 7, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog "on a scale of 1 to 10, im 10% sure he did it."

well. im super overwelmed with high school and finding time to get everything that i need to get done finished.
balancing school and work, along with other things is getting really hard to do.
i wish teachers would decide to give student more time to get things done. more time to get things done would help every senior.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog:

Valentines day is right around the corner, and it got me thinking.what am i going to get my girlfriend?
and even more
what if i go to her house and she is there -as an alien- offering me cookies that will turn me into an alien also? and then she will take me to her mothership where i will be cloned and put back on the earth to help take over the world.
I wonder what it would be like to be an alien, on earth?
I wonder if aliens can read minds?
If they can then she already knows what im getting her for valentines day, so i guess i will just stop worrying about.

nah she isnt an alien

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: next tattoo

so i have two ideas for my next tattoo, im hoping to lose some weight so i can get my chest piece.
im think im going to get the painting of the last supper accross my chest along with some other stuff to "frame" it

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: this place is stupid!

i was walking to a assembly with about 100 other students, suddenly i realized that my phone was still on. if my phone went off during the assembly then i would get it taken away. so in an effort to keep that from happening i got my phone out and started to turn it off. out of nowhere a economics teacher came over a took it. i tried to explain myself, but that did no good.
THANKS APOLLO HIGH SCHOOL for the 2dms and the 2 detention halls.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: college

senior year is not easy, I was lied to. this year has been extremely difficult because i have so much on my plate. working, doing homework, applying for scholarships, feeling out housing applications for college, trying to keep my grades up, etc...
im getting super frustrated with this and im just ready for graduation so i dont have to worry about highschool anymore.
just had to vent.
thank you

Friday, January 14, 2011

the adventuresasdf;hgoi: computer attack

today during blog time, my computer got attacked,  I learned that charles is crazy for a dodge viper. that danniel is way to strong to play basketball with mortals.  this remindes me of not having friends in my classes and how boring it used to be. Im thankful i finaly got cool friends in my classes.

Monday, January 10, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: zombie disco

Question: if we treated zombies diffrent than regular people, would we be racist?
Do zombies get tax cuts?
Do zombies get healthcare.....?
Do zombies get senior citizen discounts at fast food resuraunts?
Do zombies serve jail time, what about jury duty?
just something to think about....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: "Im done with that."

 2010 was almost a great year, i was in a band called Goodbye Travail and we were really going to go somewhere. sadly some things happened and our band was torn apart, im in a new band now with the old guitar player of my last band and things are really starting to get better. i wish certian things that happened in 2010 could be undone, but they cant so im not going to worry about it.
on new years i decided that im done with that.

Monday, January 3, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: im back with zombies

so break is over and were back at school. its second block right now and if i dont leave here soon im going to have to cry like a little school girl. charles is sitting next to me today and i think he is having involentary muscle spasms due to the monster energy drink he had before class. if he doesnt have a heart attack i might try that next time.
also, i am about to start on a project in art class where i must have one theme to go with nine diffrent projects, my theme is Zombie attack. this should be fun.
-love travis
bye bye bye bye