Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: next tattoo

so i have two ideas for my next tattoo, im hoping to lose some weight so i can get my chest piece.
im think im going to get the painting of the last supper accross my chest along with some other stuff to "frame" it

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: this place is stupid!

i was walking to a assembly with about 100 other students, suddenly i realized that my phone was still on. if my phone went off during the assembly then i would get it taken away. so in an effort to keep that from happening i got my phone out and started to turn it off. out of nowhere a economics teacher came over a took it. i tried to explain myself, but that did no good.
THANKS APOLLO HIGH SCHOOL for the 2dms and the 2 detention halls.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: college

senior year is not easy, I was lied to. this year has been extremely difficult because i have so much on my plate. working, doing homework, applying for scholarships, feeling out housing applications for college, trying to keep my grades up, etc...
im getting super frustrated with this and im just ready for graduation so i dont have to worry about highschool anymore.
just had to vent.
thank you

Friday, January 14, 2011

the adventuresasdf;hgoi: computer attack

today during blog time, my computer got attacked,  I learned that charles is crazy for a dodge viper. that danniel is way to strong to play basketball with mortals.  this remindes me of not having friends in my classes and how boring it used to be. Im thankful i finaly got cool friends in my classes.

Monday, January 10, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: zombie disco

Question: if we treated zombies diffrent than regular people, would we be racist?
Do zombies get tax cuts?
Do zombies get healthcare.....?
Do zombies get senior citizen discounts at fast food resuraunts?
Do zombies serve jail time, what about jury duty?
just something to think about....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: "Im done with that."

 2010 was almost a great year, i was in a band called Goodbye Travail and we were really going to go somewhere. sadly some things happened and our band was torn apart, im in a new band now with the old guitar player of my last band and things are really starting to get better. i wish certian things that happened in 2010 could be undone, but they cant so im not going to worry about it.
on new years i decided that im done with that.

Monday, January 3, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: im back with zombies

so break is over and were back at school. its second block right now and if i dont leave here soon im going to have to cry like a little school girl. charles is sitting next to me today and i think he is having involentary muscle spasms due to the monster energy drink he had before class. if he doesnt have a heart attack i might try that next time.
also, i am about to start on a project in art class where i must have one theme to go with nine diffrent projects, my theme is Zombie attack. this should be fun.
-love travis
bye bye bye bye