Monday, February 28, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog

so, its almost the end of febuary and im graduating soon. All the rumors about senior year being the best year of highschool, they are lies. senior year is the most stressful year of highschool. You spend your entire year bending overbackwards to keep your grades up while at the same time trying to figure out college. Its insane how stressed i am right now.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: we make the hipsters fall in love with our hot pants on....and up!

so i am sad to say that music is going down the drain, eventually music is not going to even have real instruments. its going to be all techno. i like some techno but not this junk....

Friday, February 11, 2011

the adventures of snazzy: BAD IDEAS

bungiee jumping with friends
lying to nick
doing drugs with hippies
doing drugs at all
ripping your shirt off at work
watching scary movies....alone
saying mean thigs to kaylee
doing the robot in water
drinking after somebody with a illness
saying innappropriate things in a full and quite class room
jumping from the room of a 7 story building and aiming for the bushes accross the street
burning yourself with ciggarettes

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: my car

today i was almost considered late to school because my car locks froze. i used deicer to try to get into my car but i could not get in. the same thing happened to me last night but i was able to fix it with very hot water.
today was even worse and i could not get it fixed, i hope it is warm enough to fix it when i get home.
My car is a peice of trash.

Monday, February 7, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog "on a scale of 1 to 10, im 10% sure he did it."

well. im super overwelmed with high school and finding time to get everything that i need to get done finished.
balancing school and work, along with other things is getting really hard to do.
i wish teachers would decide to give student more time to get things done. more time to get things done would help every senior.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog:

Valentines day is right around the corner, and it got me thinking.what am i going to get my girlfriend?
and even more
what if i go to her house and she is there -as an alien- offering me cookies that will turn me into an alien also? and then she will take me to her mothership where i will be cloned and put back on the earth to help take over the world.
I wonder what it would be like to be an alien, on earth?
I wonder if aliens can read minds?
If they can then she already knows what im getting her for valentines day, so i guess i will just stop worrying about.

nah she isnt an alien