Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog :tomorrow is saturday and sunday comes afterwards.

rebecca blacks music just made my ears vomit
i didnt know it was possible to make pop music any worse. well guess what
she just did.

Monday, March 21, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: daniel

Isnt it weird that when you re-watch tv shows and other movies that we all used to love as kids we find strange sexual jokes and hidden meanings.
thats just wrong.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: my fear of disease.

so charles gave me the rest of his monster today, im afraid to drink after him. i know it seems rude but it kinda freaks me out.
im trying to not get sick.
im afraid, very afriad.
also, one thing that is very relaxing is sleeping all day long with nobody to bother you.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: Daniel Eckdahl

I am sitting in class next to Daniel and he is trying to get on his computer. Turns out his computer and it is missing a major component that aids in the start up process. but guess what it works anyway.
Windows = Confusion

Friday, March 11, 2011

the adventure of snazzyblog: 10 things i hate about me.

i hate that i have
a beautiful man face
a long lion like mane
the voice of an angel
perfect vision
my rock hard abs
my enormous strength
my warm heart
my soft hugs
my dog like hearing

sorry if i sound like a jerk but im just awesome
just kidding im not awesome at all.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: if i were in trouble

if i were in trouble i would call iron man. if i called iron man to help me there is no way that i would not be able to fix my problem, he could defeat any problem i have as iron man also tony stark could just use his wealth to make my problems go away.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

the adventures of snazzy blog: ugly words

words i believe are ugly
-snot rocket
-ear wax
-pocket gum